Deerhound: Having attended the Breed Appreciation and Assessment Day in 2017 run by the Deerhound Club, I was eager to carry out this appointment. I would like to thank the Deerhound exhibitors for this entry of 18 which I am told is above average for an Open Show. I found the overall entry interesting within it there was degrees of varying types but I must compliment you all on your sportsmanship to each other; exhibitors that were placed down the line congratulating each other! How refreshing to witness that, such a pity that this attitude does not transcend to all breeds!
PD (1) 1 Peach, Kilbourne Samuel Pickwick. Very promising youngster of good merit. Correct balance in head with a dark eye and gentle expression. Neat well-placed ears, plenty of length in neck. Body proportions are good with excellent bone and feet. Even at this tender age he used himself to good advantage on the out and back holding his outline on the go around. Should have a bright future.
YD (4)
1 Peach, Kilbourne Lloyd. Very smart individual showing much promise. Quality in head which is masculine with correct proportions. Good strength in jaw with correct dentition. Eye is dark which in turn gives off a gentle expression topped off with neat well placed ears. Good length in neck which flows into a well laid front assembly. His forelegs are parallel with correct feet. Ribbing is well let down and carried well back leading to a firm loin. His top line is good and falls away nicely over his croup. He moved out with accurate foot falls on the out and back. Obviously still needs more time to fully mature; over time this will happen. Presented in good order, pleasing to award him BoB.
2 Lewis, Greyhawks Romanie Mishto to Luckhurst. Has plenty to admire all through. Masculine well shaped head, correct in eye and expression. Neck is correct with a well angulated shoulder. General outline in the stack is good, bone and feet good. Moved out well on the out and back. Not so forward in overall development as the winner but in time this will correct itself.
OD (2)
1 Cooper & Peach, Kilbourne Tyne. Handsome individual of good merit. Masculine proportions in head with plenty in foreface. His eye is acceptable with neat well placed ears. Good strength in neck which leads to a well-constructed front assembly. Correct in rib with a good top line which leads to a firm loin. His bone has good quality with correct feet. Presented in fit hard condition, close up for Best Dog.
2 Pursglove, Stranwith Roag. Another with plenty to admire all through. Attractive masculine head proportions with good strength in foreface. Keen in eye which gives off a gentle expression. Powerful in neck which leads to excellent ribbing which is well let down and carried back. He is firm in loin with a good croup and tail set. Bone is correct. Moved out ok and was well presented.
PB (2) Two litter sisters and not much to separate them!
1 Peach, Kilbourne, Rosa Bud. All quality throughout, ultra feminine in head which has correct overall balance with a super eye and expression. Good in neck and front assembly, parallel forelegs with excellent feet. Excellent in profile and so sound on the out and back holding a good outline on the go around. Obviously still needs time to fully fill her frame but all the ingredients are there. Pleased to award her BPIB.
2 Peach, Kilbourne Lousia Chick. Many of the remarks to the winner apply here. Equally promising all through and again is sound however I just preferred the better feet of the winner but with sufficient road work these should tighten up.
YB (3) 1 Jansons Nixophel Crystal Rose. Exhibit of merit. Feminine in head with a kind eye and gentle expression with neat well-placed ears. Plenty in neck with good depth in rib. Pleasing in top line which leads to a good croup and well set tail. Her bone has good strength with neat feet. Moved out and back ok, just needs to strengthen up all round.
2 Peach, Ormanstar Queen of Hearts to Kilbourne. Close up to the winner in all departments. Feminine head with correct proportions. Excellent in eye and expression. Reachy in neck, correct overall body outline with good croup and tail set. Another that has good foot falls on the out and back. Presented in good order
. 3 Taylor, Ormanstar Fast Cat Betty.
PGB (4)
1 Lewis, Neroche Juniper to Luckhurst. Such a touching reaction from this exhibitor when called out to win this class, a true testament to Deerhound enthusiasts! This exhibit has plenty to admire all through. Excellent in head qualities which has correct balance with good strength in foreface with kind eye and well placed neat ears. Correct in neck and forequarters with good depth in rib. Good in top line with a firm loin with correct croup and tail set. She has good bone with neat feet. Presentation was excellent. She moved out well on the out and back holding her outline at all times. I felt with maybe a little more firmer handling more could have been extracted from this exhibit especially on the stack!
2 Taylor, Minerva McGonagall of Ormans. Again plenty to admire on this one. Scores in head, eye and expression with neat ears. Good in neck and front assembly. Body proportions are correct with good top line which leads to a firm loin. She stands on good bone with ok feet. Moved out soundly.
3 Bailey, Greyflax Ruby Tuesday.
OB (2,1) 1 Bailey, Greyflax Teen Spirit. Upstanding individual of merit. Scores with her well-proportioned head and neat well placed ears. Neck and forequarters are good. Overall balance is adequate, bone and feet are good. Felt she could have been a little more positive on out and back but was well presented.
Martin Sanders